As part of the service on Sunday, we are going to have some modern day examples of "no room at the inn" in different scenes. I have been given some pictures to use for the overhead presentation, but I am not sure that they really get the point across. I will try and put the pictures in this entry so they can be seen.

The first picture is okay I guess, it does show busyness at the bus depot.

This picture of an emergency room does not at all carry an idea that there is no room. Maybe I am just not getting what the point of this picture is.

And doesn't this picture convey to you a full store? I didn't think so.
Also, the pictures are really too small to be used in the presentation and retain any kind of clarity. I guess it is time to go search the web for pictures.
God Bless You!
Hi Chris.....
You are right ... those pictures don't quite do it , do they.... I sure appreciate you looking for ones that might do it better. Thank you so much.......
And about the worship leader idea, I wonder about showing a portion of that worship DVD.
Do you think it would help the choir and congregation get the idea of worship leader .... rather than just settling....