Saturday, December 03, 2005
Wandering thoughts
I would be remiss if I did not direct everyone to this internet prayer site: Sacred Space. It was pointed out to me (and others) by our minister. Please consider checking it out.

There is a Christmas song I found last year but never got a chance to do anything with it. I figured I would mention it here so that, at least, other people would be aware of it: "Gloria Emmanuel". There are song samples on the site if you register/login.

I had hoped to have picked my songs for the singsong by now, but really all I have is one song so far: "The King Shall Come" using the Morning Song tune (VU162 if you want to see/hear it). I have found other hymns where the words are very nice, but the tune is unknown to our congregation. Also, the meter of those tunes is rare, so there really are no other tunes. Another possibility is "Joy Shall Come" VU23.

One last note. For those of you listening to contemporary Christian music, you might want to check out the CD "today" by Brian Doerksen. I am doing the title track "Today (As for me and my house)" in the service this Sunday and I have been listening to the CD every chance I get these last few days.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 12:23 AM | Permalink |