Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Well it was the finance committee meeting, but it was more about visioning than about finance. As I mentioned yesterday, we really need to find out what kind of church we are (or want to be) before we can know where the money needs to go. There was a lot of brainstorming done, and the notes from the meeting will be sent to everyone so they can mull them over then next month. At the next meeting we will be refining the vision/mission further.

Before the finance committee meeting started, there was a quick meeting of the Official Board. The main purpose of the meeting was to let the Board know that our organist and choir director had tendered her resignation effective at the end of January. I will be sorry to see her go as she is a very nice person, but I think that the church is moving in a direction where she could not go. Of course, the people around the table started saying that they needed to start advertising for a new "organist and choir director". That sounded so wrong to me. Another organist and choir director is exactly what we do not need. A better title would be music director, but since this meeting was not the place to start that discussion, I held my tongue. I am sure there will be opportunities for everyone to make their views known.

Anyway, it is getting late so I better close.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:58 PM | Permalink |