Monday, December 26, 2005
Greeting the New Light
"An Epiphany Service of Praise and Thanksgiving to greet the New Light" - that is the theme of next Sunday's church service. Now if you deduce from the theme that there will be a focus on the Light of Christ - you would be absolutely correct.

This sent me looking for songs that talk about the Light of Christ - or of Christ bringing his Light to us. One song that I have found so far is this one:

"Great Light of the World" Bebo Norman

Another song I have just found is:

"Shine, Jesus Shine" Graham Kendrick [TFWS2173]

I had forgotten about that song; we have done it in the singsong before and I think it fits very well with the theme. I will have to find some really great songs for this one not to be in the singsong.

Of course I have just begun to look at the songs, so I will have more information in the days to come.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:27 PM | Permalink |