Tuesday, February 07, 2006
My vision - our vision?
I have been thinking about doing a review of the phrases the group picked out of the vision statements that were shown to us from different types of churches. The reason behind it is that I remember the facilitator saying that we were all on the same page; that it would be easier for us to come up with a vision statement since we all seemed to be wanting the same thing. Which of course brings us back to the fact that we have not yet been able to articulate that statement.

What I would like to do is pick just a few of the phrases that were listed; the ones I feel best exemplify what I think the vision statement of the church should be. And I think everyone else in the Discernment committee should do the same. If we are as close as we have been told we are, then the phrases we pick should be very similar and it should not be too difficult to come up with a vision statement.

The reason for not coming up with a vision statement myself is that I really feel the vision statement should be a group endeavour. To use an analogy: having my own vision statement would be like presenting the group with blueprints to a house and saying that this is what I think the house should look like. Bringing the few select phrases is like coming to a meeting to decide what the house should look like with some general ideas on what should be included in the plans. It would seem to me that it would be easier to build consensus that way rather than having each person try and defend their own plans.

Oh well, enough for one night.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:59 PM | Permalink |


  • At 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    exactly Chris..... Absoultely right on!