Saturday, February 04, 2006
I went with the obvious
"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God." -- Psalm 42:1b [NIV]

Since I only had 2 songs selected so far by the time I made my blog entry yesterday, I still had to come up with one more song. And also, it had to be a song that the congregation knew as I am already singing 2 songs they are not familiar with.

One of the Bible readings for tomorrow is Psalm 42:1-5. This gave me the third song I needed for the singsong: "As The Deer". I know, it is very obvious, but sometimes you should not overthink things. That makes the song selection for tomorrow thus:

"The Heart of Worship" Matt Redman
"As The Deer" VU766
"I Will Celebrate" Rita Baloche

There a links to the authors in the blog entries for yesterday and the day before if you would like to get more information about them.

God Bless You!

PS: After much thought, I am afraid that I will have to turn down the offer of a position on the Ministry & Personnel Committee. The main reason being that at times I already feel like I have taken on too much as it is.
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:58 PM | Permalink |