Sunday, February 05, 2006
A successful beginning
Today was our first Sunday with our new organist/choir director. I don't know about anybody else, but I really think that it went very well. I do not know the details of the try-out period, but I certainly hope that we can make it work. For those who may have missed the previous post, our new music director on a trial basis is Brooke Maxwell. He covered one Sunday for our recently resigned previous director and he made such a good impression that I think it is a great thing that he is willing to give this a shot.

The singsong went okay, although I started 10 minutes late. This was really due to the fact that the mixing console had not been used since I had to leave and some of the cables had been "repositioned". Once I found out where the cables were, things ran relatively smoothly. I still think however that it probably would be beneficial if those scheduled to use the mikes would do sound checks before the service. Now it would not have helped today as we (by that I mean me) were late getting the equipment set up, but being able to set the mikes up so that the softer of the two voices doing the talking could be heard clearly would have helped tremendously.

We had, once again, issues with kids distracting from the focus of the service. Our minister is trying to make things better and I think that the solution being put forward by the Worship committee should go quite a ways towards helping solve that problem.

At the Worship committee meeting, we agreed to add a Maundy Thursday service to Holy Week. There is more information on Maundy Thursday at the top of this web page. Our church has not celebrated Maundy Thursday in quite a while - I do not remember there being such a service ever since I have attended Esquimalt United - I would guess at least 20 years. Many other things were discussed, but I think I will bring them up as they occur (just a coward's way of getting out of remembering all that was discussed).

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:45 PM | Permalink |