The Annual Meeting of BC Conference is being held this year only two blocks from our church. Churches had been asked to provide pictures of the churches for a presentation that will be made during the Annual Meeting. Some of the ladies of the church had the pictures, but no means to get them to the person making the presentation. This is where I came in as we have a scanner at home. I volunteered to scan the pictures and send them on. Well I did not look at the notes that were given to me too closely, so it turned out that when I did scan the pictures I was already after the "before date". I sent the pictures anyway, and fortunately for me it sounds like they will be used. Somebody is certainly looking after me.
I just realized that this Sunday will be the last chance to let people know anything pertinent about Love Your City as there will be no May 28th service at the church as we are all going to the Annual Meeting Sunday service to support a (ex?)member of the church being commissioned. No pressure...
God Bless You!