Tuesday, July 04, 2006
I find it interesting that what has to be my favourite communion hymn, I Come With Joy (VU477), is also one of two songs (the other song is We Are Pilgrims (VU595)) the Discernment committee chose to best represent the ideas of the Vision, Mission, and Core Values statements. I usually use I Come With Joy during the singsong whenever we have communion, but since it is already being used in the service I will have to come up with something else.

I have just begun to think about what I will do for the last singsong before the summer; whatever it is I do, I will try to keep it relevant to the theme just as I do any other Sunday. The thought did cross my mind to just do stuff I really like, but since the singsong is not about me that is not going to happen.

I have finally gotten back to reading a book a bought a few months ago: "God Songs" by Paul Baloche and friends. It is a book about how to write (and/or pick) good worship songs. I am once again excited to be reading it. Since it had been a while, I have started the book over but I had only read about 20 pages so it is not a great hardship.

I am still reading the daily devotional from my Bible. One of the things I am looking forward to doing is researching more worship songs. Someone mentioned that good worship songs are like daily devotional, but you get to sing it! And since I really like to sing...

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:29 PM | Permalink |