Monday, July 25, 2005
Early start
Since I have already received an outline of next Sunday's service, I can get started on selecting the songs for the singsong. As had been discussed before, one of the Songs we will be doing on Sunday will be Mothering God, You gave me birth (VU 320, TFWS 2050). The only thing I really have to decide is which tune to use as each hymnal uses a different tune. The two tunes used are HESPERUS and MARITON. You can listen to what the tunes sound like by going to, selecting the right section and then clicking on the tune you want to hear.

During the singsong, I ask the congregation if they have a particular hymn that they would like to hear. I got such a request a while ago and I unfortunately had lost the music. I just recently found it and the person that had requested it has repeated her request. The song is called Dare to be a Daniel. You can click on the title to read the lyrics and click on the midi link at the bottom of that page to hear the tune. I will not go as far as to say that I would have chosen the hymn, but what is the point of asking for requests if you do not honour them?

Well it is getting late so I better go to sleep. I will continue this tomorrow.

God bless you!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:59 PM | Permalink |