Thursday, July 28, 2005
More Love [Your City]
Tonight was the 2nd meeting of Love [your city] that I've had the pleasure to attend. We went over a lot of the same things we covered in the last meeting, but this time with an eye on trying to figure out exactly which areas of Esquimalt, Vic West, and View Royal will be having activities taking place. This of course with the purpose of making sure we get to the greatest number of people in the two hours on September 24th we will be doing the "kindness explosion". To read more about it, you can point your browser to (or just click on that link).

We got a sample T-shirt to show the congregation as well as some cards to distribute so that the congregation knows what is happening and whom to contact if they are interested in taking part. There have been quite a few people interested already. I would dare to say that more are getting involved that I would have thought, which is just great! Of course conversely that does not say much as to how well I know the members of the congregation.

I am continuing to read "Power Surge". I am still in chapter 6, and currently I am reading about the importance of a vision and mission statement. I sure hope we do a better job of coming with a vision and mission statement than my place of work did. The executive and managers got together and came up with the vision and mission statement and I must confess that I never connected with those. As a matter of fact, I am not too sure where I would go to get a copy of my work's vision and mission statement. Let's hope that the one we come up with will resonate with the people that will be coming to the church.

God bless you!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:09 PM | Permalink |