Tuesday, July 26, 2005
More song picking
I guess it is not so much picking when there has already been an agreement to sing a particular song during the singsong. Technically the picking was 3 weeks ago when it was decided we would do the hymn You Are The Seed (UMH 583) for this week as the theme is the Parable of the mustard seed. You can click on the hymn title to hear the melody. The hymn is actually being sung at the end of the service, but I usually go over hymns that the congregation does not know during the singsong so that they will be familiar with it when the time comes.

Which of course leaves me in a quandary: I do not like to sing more than one song that the congregation does not know during the singsong. So since I will be using "You Are The Seed" I should probably keep "Dare to be a Daniel" for another week. This leaves me with most likely just one more song to pick for the singsong.

I have started reading chapter 6 of "Power Surge". It is interesting to read that the aim is not to try to keep everyone; the aim is to remain true to the vision that is being put forth. We know that we will not be able to please everyone but you do not want to be making concessions just to keep the number of members up. This is of course what I remember after quickly reading part of the chapter on the bus while on my way to work this morning. I am looking forward to reading the chapter in depth.

God bless you all!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:46 PM | Permalink |