We had the last church service on Parables this morning. It was based on the Parable of the Mustard Seed. This also coincides with our minister's last Sunday service before going on vacation for a month. While she is away, the church services will be based on Miracles:
August 7: Luke 17:12-19 (Jesus heals the Lepers)
August 14: Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus heals the paralyzed man)
August 21: Luke 13:10-17 (Jesus heals the bent over woman)
August 28: Matthew 20:29-34 (Jesus heals the blind men)
(You can use the links on the right to get to BibleGateway or Crosswalk if you want to read those passages)
These are also the readings I will be using to pick out songs for the weekly singsong. It is interesting that even though we were using the Lectionary before - which meant that I knew what the readings were going to be - I never took much interest in it before. I would just use the readings the night before to pick out songs, but I would not usually even read the passage. Nowadays, I am taking the time to read the passages which I would like to think gives me a better insight into which songs to use.
While our minister is away, the services will be taking for the most part by one of our previous ministers. He was the one who was ministering to the congregation when I first started going to this church. And one of the services will be taken by one of the youths of the congregation. She has been doing the Prayers of the people for the last few weeks so she does have a little bit of experience. I am looking forward to the Sundays in August.
God bless you!