This is going to be a short entry since it is so late already, but I wanted to say how enjoyable the services were yesterday. The sketches in the morning service worked very well (even though the sketches and the powerpoint slides were in a different order) and I think it really got the message across.
The evening carol service was also great and, besides a few logistical things, went off without a hitch. The caliber of singing of the choirs participating has improved since I have started going to those services. I can truthfully say that all of the choirs sounded good - with the Queen of Peace choir actually giving me chills. The service was very relaxed and everyone seemed to be having a really good time.
I don't remember for sure, but I think I volunteered myself for some more work. One of these days I really have to learn to say No. :-) It is certainly nice to see the level of excitement about trying new things in the church.
God Bless You!