Monday, March 27, 2006
Let's make that official
Tonight I went to the church for a meeting of the Official Board. Since what was discussed involves persons/groups outside of the church, I will not put any of the details of the meeting here; they should find out about the decisions of the Board through official channels rather than by reading my blog (although that is somewhat conceited of me to think that those people read my blog). Let's just say that the church is moving in a direction where I think it must go in order to enable it to put more resources in outreach of the community.

We (the Discernment committee) did unveil our Vision and Mission statements to people outside of the committee for the first time. I guess because I have so much invested in the writing of those statements it was a little disheartening to see the amount of reaction (or lack of same) to those statements. Well at least for the Vision statement anyway as I feel we are so close. I guess I was hoping for a "Yes! That's it!" reaction. But since they did not go "That's not who we are!" we are definitely on the right track.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:50 PM | Permalink |