Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Love Your City (LYC) meeting
It bears repeating that the actual name of the event is "Love Esquimalt, Vic. West, View Royal". It just is too long to keep writing out.

Tonight was the March meeting of the LYC committee. A lot of good ideas were mentioned as far as what plans the churches/groups/ministries were thinking of doing and where they were thinking of doing it. I got the impression at the February meeting that our minister had something in mind for our church to do that was different from what we did last September which was to hand out water. Since I never got around to ask her what it was she was thinking about, and since I have not yet approached anyone at church to see what they would like to be doing, I really had nothing to contribute as far as what EUC was going to be doing. I guess it is time to find out.

I started raising awareness for LYC at church last week very subtly; I put a slide in the powerpoint that simply had the LYC logo and the date the next event is going to be held: June 3rd. Hopefully this got them to start thinking and we can start talking about it some more.

There was also a short presentation about Prayer walks. We concluded by the group each reading a section of a suggested prayer for "Neighbourhood Prayer Walks" by Roy Schulz. It was a very moving and meaningful time. Do take a couple of minutes to read it.

I did try, unsuccessfully, to connect to my favourite worship music website this evening to look for songs, but I was not successful. They must be down for maintenance. Let's push that back to tomorrow as well.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:27 PM | Permalink |