Monday, July 17, 2006
The Empty Pew
A few months ago, I took a picture of the pews at the church. I liked that picture and when I was playing with the application on my new computer that lets you easily create web sites that picture came to my mind.

I have therefore cobbled together a couple of pages that I think might be of some interest for people who would like to keep track of the changes at church. So for the adventurous in all of you I give you The Empty Pew.

Right now it is basically just the pictures that were shown at church on Sunday plus a couple of blog entries. I will still keep this blog as the one to talk about my Christian Life and Work but The Empty Pew will allow me to be more visual in what takes place at the church.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:22 PM | Permalink |