Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Finance Committee meeting
"First, assume you are successful" -- Ron Jewula

The main purpose of tonight's meeting was to review, amend, and recommend the church's budget for 2006. Some of the decisions that were being made tonight will affect how the church goes about its business. Which of course reminded me of the quote I listed above. One of my previous managers told it to me when we were trying to start up a new government service. I thought it applied tonight since the decisions we made tonight would not have been made had we decided to just maintain the status quo. It is a little nerve-wracking however when you are not really sure what success will look like - that is still being discerned by, you guessed it, the discernment committee.

I guess I better get started on picking songs for next Sunday. Since there has been a break of a couple of weeks, it probably would be a good time to make changes if there were any to be made. I should think on that as well.

I have been asked to join the Ministry and Personnel (M&P) committee. I have said that I would think about it. Apparently, being a member of the Worship committee is in conflict with being a member of M&P. I think that my gifts would be better served on the Worship committee rather than M&P. Also I have at times thought that I was involved in too many things already, so I do not think that adding another committee is really a good idea. I will however thing about it some more, as well as pray about it.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:14 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, January 30, 2006
First Sunday back
I was really glad when it ended up that we were back in town by Saturday afternoon as it meant I could go to church on Sunday as I had missed it. While we were away, the first Sunday away was busy with preparations for the funeral service the next day, and the second Sunday was the second day of our long drive back.

I really enjoyed the service - got me all fired up to go out onto the week ahead. I do have a few observations which I will share below.

There was no singsong - I guess I should have made arrangements for that aspect of things just like I did for the PowerPoint; I just did not think about it. Hopefully people will still be receptive to the singsong when I start again.

I also noticed that they did not use the mixing console I am renting for the church. It kind of showed for the prayers of the people as the sound was not loud enough. There again, I just assumed that someone would be familiar enough with it to make use of it.

It was our choir director's last Sunday at our church. It had appeared to me that, ever since she had given her notice, she had been more easygoing as well as more willing to try and do new things. I guess I thought she was taking herself too seriously before. In any case, she will be missed.

If there was something that sort of annoyed me during the service (besides the kid noise - did we really have to let her drag/push a chair around?) was the medley of songs. Not that there was anything wrong with the songs themselves. It was just the manner/order in which they were sung. I am sure that my position on signing new hymns during the service is known; but just in case you are stumbling upon this blog for the first time: I do not think we should introduce new hymns by having the congregation sing them during the service. The meaning of that hymn was completely lost on me as I spent the first verse looking up the hymn in Voices United; the second verse trying to learn the melody and the third verse firming up my grasp of the melody. And then the hymn is over. Also, I think there should have been some kind of bridge played in between the hymns to smoothly move from one hymn to the next. Lastly (I am sure that by now you're were wondering if I ever was going to stop) I personally think that the order of the hymns for the second medley was wrong - musically that is. "Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah" should have been first, then "I the Lord of Sea and Sky" and finally "We Are Marching". The reason for that is that musically you want the rhythm, tempo, intensity to keep building and to me it felt like we put the brakes on after singing "We Are Marching".

One persons' opinion...

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 4:02 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Missing the Discernment Committee meeting
"You were all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, so stay together, both outwardly and inwardly." Ephesians 4:4 [The Message]

Over the last few months we have been building a stronger sense of community between the members of the Discernment Committee. So it is with a sense of sadness that I will be missing tonight's meeting. As you probably know, my wife and I are driving back home from the home of her mom with some of the furniture and effects she inherited when her mother passed away. We are currently taking a rest day in Los Angeles where my wife has a nephew; we are staying with him, his wife and their two children.

It is nice to be taking a break from "12 hours behind the wheel" days and I kind of get a chance to play great uncle - which is the closest I have gotten to being a grandparent so far.

I am trying to keep a blog of the trip - there is bare bones information there in Chris' Musings (there is a link to that blog on the right)

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 4:24 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Fly to Jesus
My mother in law passed away Wednesday at noon. I must confess that I am surprised that it affected me as much as it did. It is comforting however to know that her pain has now ended and that my wife and her family can leave behind the stress of having to be faced with the imminent death of their mother, and can now begin the process of returning to their daily lives knowing that she is in a better place. Sounds trite "in a better place", but it is so true. Which of course reminded me of some of the lyrics of one of my favourite songs/hymns:

And with your final heartbeat
Kiss the world goodbye

Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory's side, and

Fly to Jesus

Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus and live!

-- Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus) Chris Rice

Time to start packing and get ready to go.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:38 PM | Permalink | 1 comments
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Discernment meeting?
"For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them." Matthew 18:20 [NSRV]

When I got home from the "meeting" last night, I could not help but wonder what this gathering had to do with discernment. Then I thought about the passage above, and I realized that it does not always have to be "work". It reminded me of a boisterous family dinner. It was great to be part of it.

Having just talked to my wife and found out that my mother-in-law probably will not be with us for more than about another 48 hours, it was particularly nice to not be wondering about the whole situation for a few hours.

I guess this means that I will not be at church this Sunday or the next few Sundays either. I had already sent an email to the youth helping with the powerpoint to see if she could do this Sunday as my work laptop was going to be used for some disaster plan testing; I guess I better let her know soon that she probably will be doing the next 4 Sundays.

Well I better close as my mind is now busily going over all that needs to be done before we leave.

God Bless You!

"God, when I think of my losses, I'm tempted to retreat to that black emotional place, to isolate myself from others -- even from you. It hurts too much to do anything else. Hold me close, Lord, wipe my tears. Remind me of the day there will be no grief." iWorship Daily Devotional Bible, p.403
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 8:20 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Sunday songs
I must say that this week has been a week where I have not felt like doing much of anything. So I am afraid that I have been remiss in doing my bible and devotional readings. Hopefully I will start again next week.

But I did find some songs for the singsong tomorrow. I kept one over from last week since we never got to do it as the projector was not working. I also think that it can act as a reminder of what took place last week. The other two songs are on the Baptism of Jesus theme - actually recommendations from the GBOD of the United Methodist Church. So here they are:

"Shine, Jesus, Shine" Graham Kendrick [TFWS2173]
"Baptized in Water" Michael Saward [TFWS2148]
"Come, Be Baptized" Gary Alan Smith [TFWS2152]

The only one of the 3 that we have not done before is the last one.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:58 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Weary Wednesday
Called in sick today as the lack of sleep over the last few days caught up with me. Spent most of the day just vegetating, so did not do much with regards to song picking. I feel bad about it as I was going to try to come up with selections for the choir for the month of February. Our choir director has asked for our input since she is leaving at the end of January. But we still have to practice the February anthems before she leaves - hence the request for selections.

It turns out, however, that I will not be at Thursday's choir practice as my older daughter is leaving for her 3 month course on an 8pm bus. Needless to say, I will be waving goodbye to my daughter (and taking her to the bus stop beforehand) instead of singing.

I also need to seriously look at the minutes of the last finance committee meeting; we will be discussing and narrowing down our choices for vision/mission statement. And since it is next Monday night, I better get a move on.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:04 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, January 02, 2006
Baptism of Jesus Sunday
"I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit." Mark 1:8 [NIV]

That is the theme for next Sunday. I must say it is nice to be able to read up on the theme this early in the week, it gives me a chance to digest the theme and think about what kinds of songs I would like to do for the singsong. One song suggested for this week's Bible readings is "Baptized in Water" TFWS2248 (sung to "Morning has broken"). I will be looking at many more songs before the week is out.

God Bless You!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:10 PM | Permalink | 0 comments